Naturalist Notebook-Native Grandeur: Art as Conservation with Jean Stern, Executive Director of the Irvine Museum Collection at UCI

Naturalist Notebook-Native Grandeur: Art as Conservation with Jean Stern, Executive Director of the Irvine Museum Collection at UCI

The Irvine Ranch Conservancy is proud to present the Naturalist Notebook Series, a monthly speaker series to enhance interpretive knowledge of the Irvine Ranch Natural Landmarks and surrounding Open Space. The Series is open to the public.

“Like few other places in the world, the natural landscapes of California invite celebration by the visual arts.” E.O. Wilson

Please join us for a very special evening in the Naturalist Notebook Series as we host Mr. Jean Stern, Executive Director of The Irvine Museum Collection at UCI for “Native Grandeur: Preserving California’s Vanishing Landscape.” Mr. Stern, an art historian and recognized authority on California Impressionism will share how the land inspires art, and art inspires people.  “Native Grandeur” will explore more than a century of artistic interpretation of the California coast, including the unique properties and light that characterize The Irvine Ranch Natural Landmarks.

Plein Air artists work “in the open air” to capture and preserve their impressions of the land in a living natural setting. Mr. Stern’s presentation is filled with examples of how art shares common purpose with the diverse ways the Landmarks’ public programs connect people to the land.

A hardbound copy of the beautifully illustrated book NATIVE GRANDEUR will be raffled at the event.

Mr. Stern’s full bio is attached to your registration confirmation.

Volunteers, their guests, and the public are welcome. All Irvine Ranch Conservancy volunteers please register for this event as a trainee to earn continuing education volunteer hours.   Please register early! Space is limited.

Our Naturalist Notebook format is as follows:

  • 6:00-6:30
    • Refreshments, Meet and Greet, Volunteers Share Trail Stories
  • 6:30-8:00
    • Presentation, Q&A, Informal Discussion




Activity Details Led by IRC

Tuesday, October 24, 2017
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Duration (hours:minutes):
Irvine Ranch Conservancy
Irvine Ranch Conservancy
Staging Area:
Irvine Ranch Conservancy
Minimum Age:
Spaces Left:
Registration has closed.

Registration is closed for this activity..