Come and enjoy an easy, 2.5-mile family hike over moderate but uneven terrain (45-ft. elevation gain). Starting at the James Dilley Preserve, we will hike one of the most diverse areas of the park to Barbara’s Lake and back. Hike is led by Laguna Canyon Foundation naturalist volunteers.
Please note the following safety precautions and protocols:
The program is free. Online reservations required. Register here.
For all ages; anyone under 18 must be accompanied by adult.
Please wear closed-toe shoes and bring water.
Each participant must register individually, including children. For group registration or questions, please email volunteer@lagunacanyon.org.
Location: Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, James Dilley Preserve (I-5 or 405 south to 133 south to stoplight at 73 toll road; make a U-turn, go 1 block. Dilley is on the right).
Parking: $3
Rain or muddy conditions will cancel the program.
Registration is closed for this activity..