Choose Your Adventure: How to Register makes it easy to register for activities and keep up with the activities you have scheduled. Registration is fast and easy, and your account allows you to sign up for activities without having to re-enter your contact information each time. If your plans change, your account lists your upcoming activities and a cancellation link for each one.

BackBay_Birders_0503Finding the right activity is easier, too, with a full-featured activity search. At the top of the Activities page, you can filter upcoming activities by date, category, location and even search by keyword. With nearly 100 activities to choose from each month, filtering by these options, or even choosing to see only “family friendly” activities may help narrow your options.

If you’re not sure where you want to visit, head over to the Explore page. The key locations within the Irvine Ranch Natural Landmarks are listed here, with photos and natural history information. Discover a variety of outdoor adventure locations, each with a unique topography and history.

Here are a few “power user” tips that may help as you are navigating the website. If you have questions about the site, please click here to send an email.


My Account

registerCreating an account is the first step to signing up for programs. First click “Register” in the upper left of the screen. Enter your contact information, which will only be used to contact you about upcoming events.


myaccountAfter you are logged in, the upper left link now reads “My Account.” This is where you will find a list of the activities you have registered for.




This list provides you with your upcoming schedule at a glance, and if your plans change, you can cancel your registration by clicking “Cancel” next to the activity.



Finding Activities

Once you have an account, you can look for your perfect outdoor adventure. The easiest way to find just what you’re looking for is to use the Search bar on the Activities & Programs page:

activities search

You can search by Keyword, between dates, by Category, by Area or by whether the event is Family Friendly. Make your selections and click “Search.”

Click on an activity title or the blue Register button to find out more about an activity. On the Activity Details page, you can view basic information about the activity, and Register. You can register yourself and up to 4 additional members of your household.

Remember that most programs require pre-registration, which closes at 4 p.m. the day before the activity.


Registering for an Activity

When you’ve found an activity, you can register yourself and other members of your household. You must be logged in to register, and adults not in your household should register themselves. That way. they will receive their own driving directions and be able to use the My Activities page to keep tabs on their upcoming and past activities.

Registering Yourself

register buttonTo register for an activity, click on the Register button on the activity’s information page. Clicking “Register” from the Activity Listings does not register you for the activity.


Registering Yourself and Others

registernamesIf you are registering yourself and other members of your household, click on the number drop-down menu in the Register area of the activity page. Select the total number in your party, including yourself.

Enter the name of each guest, and enter the ages if they are under 18.

Click “Register,” and you’re done!

This activity will now appear in your “My Activities” page.